Kip Rasmussen - MEC Artist of the Month - Mar 2024

Kip Rasmussen - MEC Artist of the Month - Mar 2024

Come on a journey to Middle Earth with Kip Rasmussen, our amazing Artist of the Month! Kip's love for creating Middle Earth-inspired art started when he was young, after reading "The Hobbit" and "The Lord of the Rings" trilogy. With every brushstroke, Kip brings to life scenes of Elves, dragons, and epic battles. His incredible work has been showcased in several publications including the official Harper/Collins Tolkien Calendar 2023 and “The Illustrated World of Tolkien, The Second Age” by David Day.

Today, I am excited to share more of Kip’s story and showcase some of his awesome interpretations of Tolkien’s works. In this interview, He tells us more about his creative process, inspiration, and Kip’s favorite Middle Earth characters. So let's dive in and get to know the artist behind these incredible works!


Could you tell me a bit about yourself ?

Kip: Kip Rasmussen. That is a nickname. I paint scenes from the works of Tolkien, especially The Silmarillion. I am licensed family therapist during the working hours.

Do you remember your first encounter with Middle Earth?

Kip: Yes, at age 8, when I found The Hobbit and n my brother’s bookshelf. I then read LOTR the next year and it took over my life for several years.

How did you first get into creating Middle Earth-inspired art?

Kip: I re-read The Silmarillion at 27 and I just needed to see it depicted. It gnawed at my mind like the One Ring.

What aspects of Tolkien's works inspire your creations the most?

Kip: The monumental scenes of Elves, dragons, battles and searing love stories such as Beren and Luthien.

Can you describe your typical creative process from ideation to completion?

Kip: I read a scene by The Professor which grabs my mind, then make dozens of compositional sketches. I then enlist my long-suffering wife and children for reference photos dressed in robes and weaponry. I draw the figures on paper then transfer them to a gessoed panel, generally 16x24 inches, then battle the creature until either I am defeated or I am somewhat satisfied with it.

Do you have any favorite tools, techniques, or materials you use in your creations?

Kip: Every scene has a mood which directs the color scheme of the painting. Most of Tolkien’s work is somber and serious so I paint a lot of blues and greys. The Silmarillion begins before the sun and moon arose so it is lit by starlight, which quite frankly overpowers me with joy. I can’t get enough of painting stars and nebulae. Very thankful for the glory of Varda!

What is the most challenging piece you've created so far?

Kip: “Aragorn and Eomer Ride to the Lands of the East.” Anything that requires a full color palette takes five times longer than a monochrome image such as whenever I paint the Nazgul. I can knock those out in ten days. Then you add figures and horses and there’s no telling where you’ll be swept off to. ;) People and horses are just very tricksy to paint.

Are there any other artists or creators who inspire your work?

Kip: Countless. I love the big three Tolkien painters, Alan Lee, John Howe and Ted Naismith. Donato Giancola is just wonderful and Matt Stewart’s work is so beautiful and intricate. There are other Tolkien illustrators I follow as well. I studied the work of the three Franks for years: Frank Frazetta, Franklin Booth and cowboy artist Frank McCarthy. There are many others as well.

Any upcoming projects or collaborations related to Middle Earth?

Kip: I have a painting of Thorin singing within Bag End on the easel currently and Faramir and Eowyn in Ithilien after that. I have about 25 images in the queue right now. I could randomly open The Silmarillion to any page and find a scene worth 2-3 months of my life in addition to the other works. I promised my son a Bombadil and Goldberry image soon and there’s a secret Treebeard image I can’t get out of my head.

"I’ve written and illustrated my own dragon tale in collaboration with my daughter, who is also an artist. The person formatting it promised me it would be ready this week although he has been saying that for several weeks now. Last week I was 95% satisfied with. Just had some text formatting issues."

Favorite character(s) from Tolkien's legendarium?

Kip: I think these characters are all tied for first in my heart: Aragorn, Gandalf, Galadriel, Eowyn, Finrod, Luthien, Melian and Tuor. I love many, many others.


Favorite Tolkien's book and movie adaptation?

Kip: The Peter Jackson LOTR trilogy.

If you could visit any location in Middle Earth, where would it be and why?

Rivendell. Mountains, waterfalls and forests.

If you were to belong to any race in Middle Earth, which one would it be and why?

Kip: The Vanyarin Elves. Peaceful and stayed with in Valinor. Otherwise, probably the Northern Dunedain. Rangers get to patrol Misty Mountains and protect.

Would you be willing to take the ring to Mordor?

Kip: Sure, hanging from the talons of the Eagles of Manwe. Just joking. Not sure I’d have the courage.


I hope you enjoyed this short interview as much as I did. If you want to see more of Kip's incredible artwork, click the links below. Trust me, you won't regret it.

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