Una Schenker - MEC Artist of the Month - June 2024

Una Schenker - MEC Artist of the Month - June 2024

Join me on a new adventure to Middle Earth with Una Schenker, our inspiring Artist of the Month! Una, also known as “Una Vida Art,” is an animator and illustrator from Aotearoa, New Zealand. Her art beautifully blends the charm of character animation with Tolkien’s lore, captivating our imagination with its vibrant color palettes and whimsical style that showcases her ability to bring Tolkien’s characters to life in an enchanting way.

Today, I’m delighted to highlight Una’s artistic journey and some breathtaking Middle Earth-inspired artworks. In this interview, Una gives us a glimpse into her creative process, the inspirations that drive her, and her favorite characters from Tolkien’s legendarium. Let’s dive in and discover the talent behind these wonderful illustrations!'

Could you tell me a bit about yourself ?

Una: My name is Una, (Una Vida Art when I'm online) and I'm an animator and illustrator from Aotearoa, New Zealand. I've been drawing for what seems like my whole life, and am lucky enough to be able to do it for a living. By day I'm a 2D animator, working for a local studio, and by night I work on my own personal illustrations (most of which ends up being Tolkien themed).

Do you remember your first encounter with Middle Earth?

Una: The first encounter I remember having with Middle Earth was watching the Peter Jackson The Lord of the Rings film adaptations with my family when I was seven years old. The stories have stayed with me since, and discovering that there was a plethora of books to further explore the world was beyond exciting for me as a kid.

How did you first get into creating Middle Earth-inspired art?

Una: It would've been when I started taking art a bit more seriously when I was a teenager. That motivation was largely impacted by my wanting to bring to life the characters and worlds I read about in books. I read The Hobbit and then The Lord of the Rings during this time and it inspired my art a great deal. I would spend my time after school teaching myself how to draw more realistic faces, and Elven gowns, and trees, and dragons, and I think you get the point.

What aspects of Tolkien's works inspire your creations the most?

Una: In terms of Tolkien's work, I am mostly inspired by the whimsical and ethereal elements of the world. Ever since I was a kid I have been fascinated by the Elves, and it is their stories that inspire me the most. It is a never-ending creative challenge to bring to life the picture that I have of these aspects in my head, a picture that is constantly changing and growing as I do. I have a feeling that I'm going to sped my whole life trying to effectively portray what Middle Earth looks like inside my head.

Can you describe your typical creative process from ideation to completion?

Una: My typical creative process starts with a character. I usually have an idea about a character, and then I think about how I want to portray them, how I want them to come across. I feel the most comfortable when I'm drawing figures, so this tends to be the main subject matter of my artwork. I will then roughly sketch the character and their surroundings. When it comes to Tolkien-inspired work, I like to draw characters surrounded by nature.

After the sketch is done I will go over the character with clean lines, then I will go back and clean up the background. I tend to stick to simple backgrounds so that the character will stand out more. I want people to look at my art and understand the feelings of the character.

Do you have any favorite tools, techniques, or materials you use in your creations?

Una: My favourite tools will always be pencil on paper. Although most of the art I share online tends to be digital, drawing with simple ageless tools like a pencil feels the most comfortable and natural. A lot of my artwork will start as a sketch on paper regardless of whether it will be turned digital or not.

What is the most challenging piece you've created so far?

Una: I did this one digital painting of Luthien and Huan a few years ago that really challenged me. It's a shame, but I ended up not liking the piece that much, I think in the end I spent too much time looking at it. It pushed me out of my comfort zone because I'm not very confident in drawing scenery and animals. I haven't done much since then that has challenged me in the same way (that I've finished), but I'm planning to do more like it in the near future.

Are there any other artists or creators who inspire your work?

Una: I am inspired by such a great number of artists and creators that it would be incredibly difficult to list them all here. For the longest time though, I've been inspired by 'classic' Tolkien artists including Alan Lee, John Howe, Jenny Dolfen, and of course Tolkien himself. An honourable mention goes out to instagram user @silmaspens whose art inspired me to get more heavily into sharing my Middle Earth drawings online.

Any upcoming projects or collaborations related to Middle Earth?

Una: I always have a string of upcoming artworks that I'm wanting to create. All are on a small-scale, and I want to slowly chip away at creating a character design or vision for as many Tolkien characters as I can.

"I've only just realised this, but I've technically been making Middle Earth inspired art for half of my life"

Favorite character(s) from Tolkien's legendarium?

Una: Elrond, Faramir, Sam, Luthien, Eowyn

Favorite Tolkien's book and movie adaptation?

Una: The Silmarillion, Peter Jackson's adaptation of The Lord of the Rings, and a shoutout to The animated Lord of the Rings from 1978 which I think is underrated.

If you could visit any location in Middle Earth, where would it be and why?

Una: Rivendell, the valley of Imladris. I don't know how to explain it but it feels like home. It's where the fellowship was formed and home to a lot of my favourite characters, I've always been drawn to it.

If you were to belong to any race in Middle Earth, which one would it be and why?

Una: Elf. I wanted to be an elf when I was a kid, and I want to be an elf now. I resonate with their affinity for nature, and desire for a peaceful, quiet, leisurely life.


Would you be willing to take the ring to Mordor? 

Una: Is it a good idea? Probably not. Would I be willing to regardless? Yeah, I'd give it my best shot.

I hope you enjoyed this short interview as much as I did. If you want to see more of his awesome artwork, click the links below. Trust me, you won't regret it.





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