Cassandra McLean - MEC Artist of the Month - Feb 2024

Cassandra McLean - MEC Artist of the Month - Feb 2024

Introducing Cassandra, our Artist of the Month, whose magnificent artwork captures the essence of Middle Earth with a focus on the intricate relationships between some of the most interesting characters from The Silmarillion. Cassandra's illustrations bring a new perspective to the familial dynamics and character relationships within Middle Earth, from the depths of sibling bonds to immortal love, a testament to her passion for storytelling.

Today, I am excited to share more of Cassandra’s story and showcase some of her mesmerizing interpretations of Tolkien’s works. In this interview, she tells us more about her painting practice, inspiration, and her favorite Middle Earth characters. So let's dive in and get to know the artist behind these incredible works!


Could you tell me a bit about yourself?

Cassandra: Hello! I'm Cassandra - better known as ArlenianChronicles - a Canadian artist who enjoys drawing fanart and writing fanfics! I'm currently a university student hoping to graduate this year. Fingers crossed! :D I started drawing when I was little because I wanted to draw my original characters, and I just kept drawing them, practicing, and improving my skills. I ended up switching from traditional to digital years ago, and now all of my work is pretty much digital.


Do you remember your first encounter with Middle Earth?

Cassandra: I’ve been a fan of LOTR since I watched the movies as a kid in elementary school! They were (and continue to be) my favourite trilogy. I can’t recall my very first encounter for that reason - I just watched the movies so many times that all the memories have blurred together at this point!

How did you first get into creating Middle Earth-inspired art?

Cassandra: I read the Silmarillion in high school, around late 2017. I thoroughly enjoyed the book, but I believe it was the dynamic between Maedhros, Maglor, Elrond, and Elros that truly inspired me to start drawing Tolkien-related fanart. In all the art I saw at the time, Maglor is always with the twins while Maedhros stands apart. I wanted to explore Maedhros’ relationship with the twins, and my art journey went off from there! Nowadays I no longer draw for the Silmarillion as I feel like I’ve used up all my ideas. But it’s still nice to dive back in once in a while :)

What aspects of Tolkien's works inspire your creations the most?

Cassandra: I’d say the familial dynamics between characters inspires me the most. For example, the Nolofinwëans! I really enjoyed looking at Fingon’s relationship with his siblings and how they might interact. I also love platonic friendships; romance isn’t really my jam, but occasionally I like to indulge in it :D I also mentioned the Fëanorians and the twins earlier; they were the biggest inspiration during my Silmarillion phase, which I think you can tell from the number of pieces I’ve done about them ;) Tolkien has so many interesting characters and family dynamics in his works, so I had plenty to occupy myself with! One other inspiration are the Elf/Human relationships in Tolkien's works! I just find that kind of dynamic fascinating and fun to explore: you have an immortal being who loves (or has an affection for) a mortal, but they must deal with the grief of losing their mortal companion in time.

Can you describe your typical creative process from ideation to completion?

Cassandra: Nowadays I like to start with a thumbnail sketch, but during my Silmarillion phase a few years ago, I didn’t use thumbnail sketches. Instead, I just tried to draw my vision as a full sketch first, then added colour and final touches. My style and process of drawing have also changed since then, but those basic steps remain the same. Usually the image in my head is clear enough to work with, but oftentimes there’s an element that I’m struggling with – namely the anatomy/pose of a character. In that case, I’ll use references to help me.

Or maybe I’ll search for some colour palette inspiration because I don’t actually know what colours to use for this painting. It’s a tough process at times! But it can also be quite fun.

Do you have any favorite tools, techniques, or materials you use in your creations?

Cassandra: Currently all my art is digital. I use a Huion tablet and stylus, and just hook it up to my computer; while I’m drawing, I usually listen to Youtube videos or background music to keep me inspired.

What is the most challenging piece you've created so far?

Cassandra: I feel like each piece is challenging in their own way, though some are certainly easier than others to work on. I'd say my mini-comics are the most challenging? They usually take longer to do than solitary pieces, and they have a lot of elements going on as well. I need to plan out the panels and dialogue (if any), colour them all, and make sure the details are consistent across every panel. That can get tiring after a while. But the result is always worth it!

Favorite character(s) from Tolkien's legendarium?

Cassandra: I'd say my current favourites are Beren and Luthien, Finrod, and Huan!

Favorite Tolkien's book and movie adaptation?

Cassandra: My favourite book is The Silmarillion, and my favourite movie adaptation is The Lord of the Rings (extended edition)!

If you could visit any location in Middle Earth, where would it be and why?

Cassandra: I would love to visit the Grey Havens! It just looks so beautiful, and I think it’d be really peaceful to live by the harbour. And it’s one of my favourite theme from the movies, if not my all-time favourite!

If you were to belong to any race in Middle Earth, which one would it be and why?

Cassandra: As much as I’d love to say an Elf, I have a feeling I’d be more suited as a regular human or a Hobbit! I do love the idea of living in the Shire, eating seven square meals a day and walking around barefoot, and also celebrating another Hobbit’s birthday every day … Though that may become exhausting to my introverted self after a while haha

Would you be willing to take the ring to Mordor?  

Cassandra: I don't think I'd do it; I'm pretty sure I'd be too weak to handle the Ring. It's certainly a journey not for the faint of heart!

I hope you enjoyed this short interview as much as I did. If you want to see more of Cassandra's awesome artwork, click the links below. Trust me, you won't regret it.

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